process blueprint

Optimise & refine your client process so you feel more in control and your clients feel taken care of.
Welcome to the in-depth guide to the exact system I used to serve over 50+ clients, navigate tricky situations and establish myself as a professional creative.

We all want to be taken seriously as creative professionals. We all want to work with dreamy clients who “respect the process” and who pay us on time. If you master the client experience, you could have all of this AND MORE.

let me guess...

You laugh at the memes about “nightmare” clients asking to make the logo bigger but you’re crying inside because you’re currently making the logo bigger…

You thought running your own studio would mean freedom but instead you’re stuck in endless revision cycles working 7 days a week…

You dream of taking on better projects and increasing your income but you’re not sure if you’ve got what it takes to charge more…

You’re constantly giving in to your clients requests to shift the scope because you want to make them happy but now you’re on the road to burnout city…

Friend, it’s not because this life as a creative business owner isn’t for you - you just need a tad more self-confidence and better systems to master client management & become the pro you know you can be.

We all make jokes about sh*tty clients and difficult projects. The truth is, there's no way to avoid having to manage people if you're going to run a solo studio. So instead of complaining about your clients, what if you had the tools, mindset & confidence to effortlessly navigate any kind of client scenario?

That's what this blueprint is all about. In the years I have run my solo studio, I have learnt that your ability to design is less important than you might think - it comes down to your mindset, your systems and the ability to expertly manage other human beings - a.k.a your clients.

Serving clients well is not rocket science. I'm going to show you how.

$159 $147

I’m pulling back the curtain on what it really takes to go from a freelancer charging minimal rates for your work to a trusted professional who can charge far more for an experience worth remembering.

It would be easy to tell you that to raise your prices you need to design great work. That’s the obvious part (and quite literally the bare minimum folks). The not so obvious part? The nitty gritty grey zones in between the creative work where it comes down to how well you can move through conflict, communicate and manage expectations.

Can you effortlessly navigate difficult conversations?
Do your clients trust you to lead them through the project?
Do you know how to hold your ground professionally?

This is what the Professional Process Blueprint is all about.

So, Who am I?

Hey fellow creative, I'm Rachel and ever since I was 4 years old, I’ve had a pencil in hand and a strong desire for independence. Building a life as a creative professional wasn’t just a dream, it was non-negotiable.

When I left college I knew I wanted to start my own business. Not because I wanted to make easy money and spend 90% of my time lazing on a beach somewhere, but because I wanted more than anything, to be able to CREATE for a living, every single damn day.

But I did what I was told and got a 9-5 job to learn the ropes.

I lasted 2 months before I realised I wanted more for my life. I wanted to build something of my own. 3 months later I handed in my resignation, with no financial backup, while 8 months pregnant, and took the biggest leap of my life into the abyss. It was now or never. Since that day, I have fought my way through insecurity, financial panic, failure and some of the most profound learning. I have also experienced a beautiful kind of success - being able to build a life of freedom for myself and my daughter.

This guide is the part of building a solo studio that no one taught me how to do. It’s the part of the journey I had to learn the hard way - so I’m bringing it to you in the hopes that it might save you some heart ache & bring you success in your life as a creative professional.

What's inside

1. process & the client experience
2. the enquiry phase
3. onboarding your client
4. running a project smoothly
5. off boarding for future success
6. OVer 20+ email scripts for every single step of the process

You also get these bonuses...

Inside my Notion & Asana set up (worth over $150)

I’m showing you how I set up project boards in both Asana and Notion to track projects and communicate with my clients during a project. Copy my workflow or use it to create your own.

Templates & Swipe Files (worth over $120)

I’m giving you word-for-word email swipe files for you to use in your workflow so that you know exactly what to say and when. Turn these into templates in your email platform to save time and hassle.

Love notes


You need a toolkit for handling every scenario like a pro so you can make your clients feel cool, calm and confident that you know wtf you’re doing. (Even when you don’t)

What the FAQ

who is this guide for?
who is the guide not suited for?
what format is it in?
How long do i have access?
will i learn how to design?

A little hello from me...


SIX of my existing DIY templates & Guides - Kick-start the revamp of your client process with my done-for-you templates. Quickly switch out the styles for your own and use the copy prompts for easy guidance on what to say.

only $159 $147

Confidently lead any kind of client through any kind of project, delight them with a seamless 5-star experience and grow your business through referrals & repeat business (just like I did).

I can't wait to see you inside.